For years, the term “Nuclear Power” has been the proverbial boogeyman of the electrical world. Tied to true tragedies, the fault does not lie in nuclear energy, but human error. In fact, nuclear power emits no greenhouse gases, can produce efficient power in a compact space, and is cost-efficient.
It’s time for the narrative to shift from harrowing roots to hope for the future.
“With the negative publicity surrounding the Westinghouse bankruptcy, it shouldn’t be forgotten that nuclear remains an important part of our energy mix. The recent low prices for natural gas won’t last for the next 50 years! Let’s benefit from the lessons learned on the AP1000 in Georgia and South Carolina, and move ahead by building more over the next decade.” said owner of CableLAN Products, Jan Pirrong.
The time to become and advocate for nuclear power is now. The influx of education for nuclear power has caused more people, scientists and users alike, to rethink their staunch stance on nuclear energy.
It’s these people and thoughts that will help nuclear power take off. The Energy Collective highlights everyday ideas that are points for consideration.
- if you believe that climate change is a threat and that fossil fuel use is the main culprit; or
- if you believe that access to economic reliable energy is essential for progress and is critical to lift people out of poverty; or
- if you believe that high quality jobs and technological innovation is good for our communities and our economies; or
- if you want a future for your children and grandchildren with abundant plentiful reliable economic and low carbon energy to support them as they create their own future;
Then the answer is clear – and that answer is nuclear power.
Given the opportunity, nuclear power has the chance to make an incredible difference in our quality of life, make positive changes to the environment we live in, and steer our society towards sustainability.
In this graphic from the Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Information, it’s obvious that nuclear reactors save more than just money, they also save space.
CableLAN’s sister company, CableLAN Nuclear is bringing connection to nuclear plants all over the nation. Efficient connection is a driving force for the successful and safe operations of these plants. Today, and for more than 20 years, breakout cables are the preferred choice in many nuclear power plants around the world.As the industry grows and changes, so do we.
Breakout fiber optic cables merge strength and durability with maximum protection. Suitable for use in conduit, cable trays, riser and plenum environments, breakout cables are strong and rugged. They can also be provided with interlocked armor for additional protection.
We maintain our leading presence in the nuclear market, as fiber became a factor in nuclear power plant control and communications. For more information, contact us and take the next towards nuclear connection.
Change starts with us!